Google Fit has been around for a while now, it contains a wealth of information but what if you want to take that data and do something with it? Till now it’s been locked away, but it seems that Google has finally gotten around adding the data to their Takeout options.

Google Takeout is an option to download all the data you have uploaded, tracked or logged with your Google account. It’s a great way to leave Google services but retain all those years of data you’ve accrued.

The options for downloading Google Fit data in Takeout include TCX — a common file format for connected fitness platforms used by companies such as Garmin and Strava — as well as the more commonly used, and more accessible in spreadsheet format, CSV files. The files both contain data about your logged daily aggregations and activites, which you can then use for your own nefarious purposes, whatever they may be.
Google Fit - Export

The update to Google Takeout appears to be live right now, so if you’ve been itching to see what all that activity tracking has achieved or you have a plan for using that data head over and start downloading your data.

Source: Google System Blog.