
As part of its promoting the new Mate 9, Huawei has commissioned a bit of research to understand how we use our phones, so that they can better address our pain points. The headline of this research was the finding that 52% of us are unhappy with our mobile’s battery life, and 42% identifying it as a main consideration when buying a phone.

This kind of finding isn’t really surprising, but some of the other findings had me giggling a little bit … I reckon we’re all guilty of a few of these:

  • One in ten Australians admitting to using their phones in more secluded or risqué situations, such as during private time with their partner.
  • Three out of five Australians aged under 30 admit to having taken a selfie to check their look, with the most self-conscious states being VIC and QLD tied at 53 per cent of mobile phone users snapping themselves, followed by WA at 50 per cent NSW at 48 per cent.
  • While 46 per cent track their fitness routines and goals on their mobile phones, 36 per cent would share these details with their friends (of which about 1 in 3 (31 per cent) admit to having embellished the truth at some point).
  • When choosing a new mobile phone, females are twice as likely to consider the camera quality as compared to males (37 per cent F versus 18 per cent M) while males are thrice as likely to consider its processing power (21 per cent M versus 7 per cent F).
  • We also seem to tell our phones more secrets than our closest friends, with more than two thirds (70 per cent) of respondents admitting to storing potentially embarrassing information on their phone that they would prefer to keep to themselves.

Do we really want to think about people using their phones during the various acts of love? Do we want to know how many people keep naked photos of themselves or their partner on their mobile phones?

The truth is probably not, but if I had to read this research, you can read it too and snigger along with me.

Thanks, Huawei. Now, for the eye bleach.