If you’re a Chrome OS user, the next year is going to be great. We’re getting Android apps on all devices going forward (and some older ones) and now you could be running PC Games and Apps on it as well with a service called LiquidSky.

What is LiquidSky? Here’s the exact blurb from their website:

LiquidSky gives you a full Windows gaming PC in the cloud that you can access from any device. Games like League of Legends and Fallout 4 run on their highest settings with ultra low latency. With LiquidSky you can install any program or game to your SkyComputer as long as it does not break our term and conditions rules.

LiquidSky is in closed Beta at the moment, but is looking to launch their service in March. There’s going to be an Android App as well to access your ‘SkyComputer’ from your Android device on the go, and for Android TV owners who want to play games that way, there’s support for Android TV as well.

The service is similar to the Nvidia GeForce Now gaming service, but works on all devices not just Nvidia Shield hardware. They’ve shown off the service running on an Asus Chromebook Flip – a Chromebook which uses a fairly low-powered RockChip CPU – to play awesome high-end games like Call of Duty: Infinity Warfare in this demo:

It won’t be free, but there’s ad-supported models as well as paid service which should allow for anyone from the casual user through to the hard-core gamer to jump onboard

While they expect the service to launch in March, you can attempt to sign up for a Beta key on their website but the general consensus is it’s a pretty limited beta and your chances of getting in are pretty slim.

Source: LiquidSky.
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    Ondřej Pokorný

    When will finally some service let me rent and play the games directly, without having to own them first…

    Jack Smith

    I would prefer Google use their new containers and give us SteamOS on Chromebooks. They both use the same kernel and should be possible to do in a container on the Chromebooks.


    You continue to perpetuate your misunderstanding on this point. Please come back educated and try your point again.

    Jack Smith

    I should not have assumed you had a technical background. My mistake.


    You shouldn’t try to argue nonsense with people who have a technical background. Your mistake.