After Sunday’s leak there really isn’t much left for Samsung to reveal regarding the Samsung Galaxy S8 on March 30. There is one thing we have not reported on, and that is the new warranty program that Samsung are providing for the Galaxy S8 models.

Called Samsung Guard S8, the program is similar to the Pixel warranty program in the States (which unfortunately did not make it here). Samsung Guard S8 includes guarantees on repair appointments within two hours, remote support and an extra year of warranty. The program will also offer a free display replacement (one time only). Winfuture do not say whether this will be an add on costing extra or an included program – so I suppose there is something left to reveal later week.

HTC’s similar program, as well as the Pixel’s, did not make it here but if anyone can make it work in Australia, it would be Samsung.

But wait, there’s more. Korean website (who have often been right on rumours), The Investor, is reporting that not only are Samsung considering a marketing blitz (as opposed to normal?) but there are considering offering unconditional refunds up to three months after purchase. While this rumour sounds a great way to win back the loyalty of consumers it provides several issues for Samsung – notably what to do with all the refunded phones and that after three months many may opt for an iPhone as it is released at that time. Yet another thing left to reveal later this week.

Stay tuned to Ausdroid throughout the week as we cover ever single little detail on the Samsung flagship release this week.

Source: WinFuture.