Apparently Samsung have a new phone about to be released. You would never have guessed it by the amount of articles, news, rumours and leaks that have surfaced over the past month would you? Tonight what is left to be revealed will be done at 2am, AEDT. Luckily for enthusiasts like us, this is 2017 and there are many ways to watch it as it happens. (oh and I have a few more leaks to share with you)

The event will be live streamed via their app which they released a couple of weeks ago that we featured here on Ausdroid. From what we can tell the app will just be a stream of their YouTube channel which will probably be the easiest and best place to watch it.

Samsung will also be embedding the live stream into their website as well if you don’t want what amounts to a fairly useless app on your phone. The YouTube stream will come directly from the Samsung Mobile YouTube channel. YouTube can of course be fairly easily Chromecast to larger display, so if you’ve got a quiet area at 2am then you can watch the event as it takes place in New York.

For now though, here’s a teaser to whet your whistle:

Whichever way you watch it, or even if you do not, load Ausdroid up first thing in the morning to have all the details as well as some local release information. I have volunteered Dan to get up at 2am to cover it for us. Thanks Dan.