LG loves teasing details of their upcoming phones, with just under three weeks to go until the launch of the V30 in Berlin, LG has started talking about the camera, or cameras as the case may be.

As with most high-end phones these days, including their own G6, the LG V30 will use a dual camera setup. The main camera will include an f/1.6 ‘Crystal Clear Lens’ allowing up to 25% more light onto the sensor. LG has previously used an f/1.8 aperture lens on the G6, so this improvement should yield great results in low-light photography, an area where most smartphones still struggle.

The secondary camera will, like it is on the G6 (and the G5 and V20 previously) be used for wide-angle shots, reducing ‘edge distortion’ by a third.

The camera on the V30 will include laser detection Auto Focus, and both optical and electronic image stabilisation.

We’ll be finding out what’s inside the LG V30 on the 31st of August, so stay tuned to find out exactly what’s in store then.

Source: LG.
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The V30 is shaping up as one awesome looking phone