It’s time to check your emails Everyday Rewards customers, because Woolworths has begun advising their customers who participated in the offer that their Google Home Mini is on the way.

It was a pretty good deal for those Everyday Rewards customers who were offered the chance to receive a Google Home Mini just for shopping more regularly at Woolworths. There didn’t seem to be any structure to the offer, with some customers receiving the offer, while some didn’t. The amount you had to spend and frequency of how often you had to shop wasn’t set, with some customers advised to spend a set amount per week over four weeks while others had to spend a larger amount over two weeks. Still, it’s all worth it now, because they’re on their way.

The emails don’t elaborate on how the Google Home Mini will be sent, so we’re hoping it’s secure (fingers crossed not AusPost). Wwe do know that it’s a Chalk coloured Google Home Mini which seems to be the colour being given away by Google, Telstra and JB HiFi when you purchase a Pixel 2/Pixel 2 XL.

If you still haven’t seen an offer for a Google Home Mini for being an Everyday Rewards customer, Woolworths is still running a targeted promo for using their online shopping. My offer for a Home Mini didn’t arrive until quite late, so double check your mailbox to ensure you’ve not accidentally missed it.

Did you get a Google Home Mini as a bonus for shopping at Woolworths?

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    I just got off the phone with them and they said it would be 1-1/2 months if I’m lucky. Last time I called in mid January they said I would have it by the end of January. I know I didn’t buy the product, but is there anything we can do if they have promised an item and not delivered?


    It has been over 2 and half months since I receive email that my Google Home Mini is on its way. It never reached. Three times I have contacted WW Rewards customer service on their chat but no luck. Every time they apologise and reiterate that I will get it soon. Very poor customer service from WW.


    I received one it the mail today, but never remember getting an email. I had to google it to work out why I got it as there was nothing in the box to explain so only had the company name to find out where it came from.


    I got multiple emails from woolworths saying my delivery details were incomplete and had to update them. However details were correct and confirmed by phone with someone from WW rewards team. Then in December more emails came requesting to provide DOB or again update details . Finally one email with apologies confirmed my Google home mini would be delivered just before Xmas. Did you see it?! I didn’t . Today another email from WW said “as you didn’t reply to our request your rewards points were converted to credit of $50 to be redeemed ! I cannot believe this lack… Read more »


    Hi Lizzie, I’ve had a very similar experience with Woolworths and I’m at my wits end! It would be great if you could like/comment on my Facebook post that I made to their page:


    Still waiting… did we get any confirmation if anyone has received them yet?


    Was it via Australia Post, and did it need to be signed for? As Aussie Post has had a habit lately in my area of leaving packages on the top of the mail boxes for the block of units…. They used to be really good, maybe a new postie?

    Daniel Tyson

    Australia Post and definitely had to sign for it.


    ok, that is a relief, as I see too many packages, not just mine, left on the top of the letterbox box wall, which is on the main street.

    Geoff Stewart

    Me too, 2 weeks after I qualified,(4 weeks spending $50 pw)


    PR Nightmare for Woolies – check out their facebook site! Has anyone actually received one of these – it appears that there has been a delay in sending these out……bring on Amazon – we are now told these wont arrive before end of December….


    Friday as in today or one week ago?

    Daniel Tyson

    Last Friday

    George Lu

    Waiting for my GHM. Still not sure where to put it!

    Phill Edwards

    Not sure what you’ve got against AusPost. In my experience their parcel delivery service is head and shoulders above any courier service.

    Scott Plowman

    unfortunately we’ve not had the same experience. It is random but they have lost many of our parcels (phones etc) or delayed them… in saying that the courier companies aren’t perfect either


    I got a random shipping notice from Australia Post for a package from Synnex tonight – this is probably my GHM.