Well, that flew by. Five years ago, in December of 2012, Australian developer Chris Lacy first released his launcher replacement Action Launcher onto Google Play. To celebrate the birthday, Chris has released version 32 of Action Launcher with some new tweaks and he’s also put the launcher on-sale.

The latest update to Action Launcher isn’t exactly heavy on new features, but there is some new stuff in it. To start with, all new installs of Action Launcher will default to the Pixel 2-style look with the dock search box and At a Glance widget showing, as a result Chris has said that the Pixel 2-style dock and Oreo-style shortcuts are now available to all users without the Plus upgrade.

Additionally, the All Apps page uses the Pixel 2-style rounded scroll indicator and if you’re running Android 8.1 or above (Hah, obviously future proofing here), the main and quick settings pages will ask for storage permission.

Chris has also added in an additional 200 new icons into his Adaptive Icons pack, making for a very visually pleasing addition to Action Launcher if you’re into that.

There’s other fixes included in Version 32 of Action Launcher, which Chris has outlined in his release notes, but who wants to read that? We want the sales – well, those of you who haven’t already bought Action Launcher do anyway. For the next 3-days, Chris has dropped the price of Action Launcher by 30%. It’s an in-app purchase and as I’ve already bought it I can’t tell you how much it is now, but 30% off is good money saved, so get on it.

Action Launcher: Pixel Edition
Action Launcher: Pixel Edition

AdaptivePack - Adaptive Icons
AdaptivePack - Adaptive Icons

Source: Chris Lacy (Medium).
Via: Chris Lacy (Medium).