Android Auto is one of the more popular implementations of Android on devices, but it’s been somewhat restrictive with Google claiming certain restrictions are to do with safety. Now it seems that there’s been at least a little rolling back of at least one decision, with users now able to unlock their phones while connected to Android Auto.

Scott first noticed this on his device last night, with the phone now offering to let him – or more likely the intent is that his passenger – can unlock the phone while it’s connected to Android Auto.

There’s nothing announced about this new ability in the Google Play entry for Android Auto, and Scott is on V3.0.570554 of the app for those playing at home. There’s also nothing in the Google Support page for Android Auto.

Google may have made a mistake on this one, but for now at least you can offer your phone to the passenger to pick music etc. if they so desire. We still DO NOT recommend using your phone while driving.

Android Auto
Android Auto
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free
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    Maybe I’m missing something… But isn’t all of this redundant, with Google assistant controlled by ok or hey Google to wake? Don’t need access, or even a head unit, anymore…

    Geoff Fieldew

    I’ve noticed that this works too, using my wife’s phone while she’s driving. Unfortunately I’ve also noticed more random Bluetooth disconnections and message sending/receiving delays with the latest version of Android connected to Android Auto in our car.

    Mike Stevens

    Is that a VFII Commodore dash I spy…

    Chris Rowland

    Scott does indeed drive a beast.

    Mark Hall

    Yes it does work, very handy when you are parked and need to access your phone and still have the Android auto, maps etc working