Rumours of the existence of a foldable Samsung Galaxy phone have been doing the rounds for a while now but it was unsure where it would fit in the whole Samsung line. Today we have gotten what could possibly be a small glimpse into the foldable Galaxy X.

Renowned leaker Ice Universe has today posted on their Weibo account information that suggests that Samsung are planning to announce the foldable Galaxy X (will they really call it this?) at CES 2019 in Las Vegas followed a month later by the Galaxy S10 at MWC 2019 in Barcelona.

Obviously there is usually a couple of weeks minimum between announcement and launch so it seems unusual that they would be announced so close together. One reason they may is that Samsung are not expecting to sell a large amount of these foldable phones with manufacturing to be between 300,000 and 500,000 units.

Image: Engadget

We are dubious that name of the foldable phone will actually by the Galaxy X. We have seen a lot of people call the iPhone X the iPhone 10 (think back to year 8 Roman Numerals) so it would be very confusing for many customers to have both the Galaxy S10 and the Galaxy X available and launched around the same time. We do not have anything better to offer and companies rarely use logic when naming various phone models so it may well happen.

Of course we have the next Samsung flagship, the Note 9, being announced in New York next week so at the moment all eyes should be on that — the next models after the Note 9 are still a long way away so it is a lot of pure speculation at this point. We will bring you all the Note 9 details and local flavour once it is announced next week.

Source: Ice Universe.
Via: Phone Arena.
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Well we know that Samsung doesn’t respect the versioning gods given the Note 7


Thanks for the heads up Scott, that will give me time to save up for it (s10 that is) 🙂

Tim Chef

People call the iPhone X the iPhone 10 because that is how Apple itself calls it!!!!!!!!!! The X is the Roman numeral 10, so if you are calling it the X, that is X-actly the wrong thing to call it!

I guess as an Android site you wouldn’t know that. 🙂


you earn 10 points for your name alone! Or should that be X points?

Some guy

Obviously the autocorrect on iphones damage comments.