Google’s entry level version of Android – Android Go – was announced last year with the first version, Oreo Edition, starting to appear on devices at Mobile World Congress. Android Go is set to continue, with Google announcing new features and more options coming in Android Go ‘Pie Edition’.

Android Go was launched to help manufacturers of low-end hardware give their users a better smartphone experience. It was designed to run on devices with less than 1GB of memory, with a range of apps with a smaller footprint but similar functions – called ‘Go editions’ or ‘Lite’ by third party developers pushed through Google Play. In Android Go ‘Pie Edition’ we’ll be seeing more of this, as well as new features and options.

Google says that there will be four main focuses for Android Go ‘Pie Edition’, including up 500MB of additional storage available out of the box. Google also says devices will have even faster boot times, top-of-the-line security features like verified boot and an accessible dashboard for tracking and monitoring data consumption.

As well as these new features, Google has announced some new features in their ‘Go Edition’ apps across the Google Go, YouTube Go, Maps Go, Assistant Go and Messages apps.

  • Google Go now offers the ability to read webpages aloud and highlights each word so you can follow along.
  • YouTube Go makes it easier to enjoy videos while using less data with new features like gallery mode for downloaded content.
  • Maps Go now features navigation, making it possible for people with Go edition devices or unstable connections to use turn-by-turn directions whether you’re traveling by car, by bus, or on foot.
  • Files Go, which has saved users ~90TB of space since launch, is now capable of transferring data peer-to-peer, without using mobile data, at speeds up to ~490Mbips.
  • Assistant Go now supports additional languages including Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Indonesian, and has expanded support for device actions like controlling Bluetooth, camera and flashlight, and added reminders.
  • Android Messages App for Android (Go edition) is now ~50 percent smaller in size and the Phone App includes caller ID and spam detection.

Google will release Android Go ‘Pie Edition’ later this year in ‘the fall’ so you can expect it anytime between the end of September and end of December.

Source: Google.