Google likes to mark the passing of special ‘holidays’ as they call them in the States with whimsical animations in the Google Pay (Android Pay) app. For those unfamiliar with the practice each time you tap to pay using Google Pay you’ll be treated to a random animations themed for the occasion, being Halloween season this time around their spooky!

To get the animations all you need to do is pay with you phone, and they pop up as part of the confirmation screen. The animations don’t seem to work on Wear OS as it’s possibly a little too battery intensive I would suggest.

After their recent expansion to St George, and of course with support for all of the ‘Big 4’ banks now available Google Pay has now become more easily accessible. If however you don’t have Google Pay or you’re just interested in seeing the whole collection then keep dropping back here and we’ll keep adding them as we get them.

A fly blown Mummy

A Pumpkin Cat

A batty Vampire