Task management app Todoist has begun reaching out to customers to advise of an impending change to their Premium pricing plans, advising they will begin an increase to $3 per month, billed annually, starting on the 1st of December.

In an email to current Premium plan members, Todoist has advised the increase from $29 to $36 per year ($3/user/month billed annually) will affect new subscribers. Additionally anyone subscribing through the Android or iOS app will see a subscription price for Todoist Premium will be $4/month.

The good news is that Todoist says that any user who upgraded to Todoist Premium prior to December 1st, this year will have access to Todoist Premium legacy pricing forever.

The change to a higher price is the start of introducing new features and plans for Todoist. The first feature introduced will be an increase to the active project limit for Premium customers, rising from 200 to 300 projects.

Todoist says that the price increase is their first step in a longer-term plan to make Todoist’s Premium and Business pricing structures much more simple and value-driven.

Todoist is an essential tool for running Ausdroid behind the scenes, and it certainly helps around the house for those little projects we all need to take care of. If you’re currently a premium member you should be fine, but if you’re not and want to take advantage of the cheaper pricing ensure you’re on the Premium plan asap.

Todoist: Planner & Calendar
Todoist: Planner & Calendar
Developer: Doist Inc.
Price: Free
Source: Todoist.
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    swapped from todoist after 4 years to Microsoft to-do and I haven’t regretted the decision at all.


    Yeah but MS To Do is still missing so much. It has check lists but no nested subtasks, calendar sync, and such. I still prefer Todoist. MS To Do is catching up though.