It’s taken some years for Google to finally release a file management application, but their Files by Google app is here and it’s getting better with each update. The latest update adds in some features needed by a full file manager: USB OTG support and the ability to view the full file structure.

USB-OTG – or ‘On The Go’ support allows you to simply plug in USB drives, memory cards and other USB connected media to your phone or tablet. It’s not super common to do, but with USB-C drives becoming more common the support to simply plug in a drive and see it in the Files by Google app is super welcome.

The other inclusion is the ability to view the full folder structure on both internal, and external (including USB-OTG) file systems. This lets you see all the files and folder/sub-folders on those drives.

Finally, you also get bug-fixes – but as usual there’s no further information on which bugs have been squashed in this update.

These updates are all included in version 1.0.224103129 of the Files by Google App which is rolling out through Google Play now.

Files by Google
Files by Google
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free
Source: Files (Google Play).
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    Try MixPlorer


    I hope this does/ will have network support added. I use this a lot. Not many options out there


    This is the difference between a Google device and an Apple device.

    Giving access to the full file structure and external drives is necessary to allow these devices to be used for desktop-style computing.

    This is one area that Apple’s iPad Pro fails. That device is aimed at graphics professionals, but those people need access to external drives, which Apple doesn’t want to give.