Google announced the dates and location for their IO developer conference last week, with the event set to take place between May 7-9 at Shoreline Amphitheatre in California, now they’ve announced the window in which you’ll be able to apply for a ticket to the event.

As usual it appears that due to intense interest in the conference you’ll have to again enter a lottery for the chance to win the option to buy a ticket. According to the Google IO website you’ll be able to apply to purchase a ticket between the 21st and 27th of February.

No details on the cost of the tickets has been announced, but last year developers forked out $1,150USD (almost $1609 AUD) for a general admission ticket, although full-time students, professors or faculty/staff at high schools and higher education institutions were offered academic tickets for $375USD (about $525 AUD) apiece.

Of course you’ll need to pay for flights, accommodation and all your transfers and other expenses as well, which equates to a fairly hefty price to pay for a conference. There’s no real need to attend however with the keynotes and sessions at Google IO live-streamed or at least put up on YouTube fairly quickly.

If however you’re really wanting to make a pilgrimage to Mountain View to check it out, and maybe drop in at the Googleplex while you’re there, you’ll be able to throw your hat in the ring next month and try your luck for the chance to buy a ticket.

Source: Google IO.
Via: Android Police.