With Samsung’s Unpacked around the corner, you might mistake Ausdroid for Samdroid or Aussung, with the volume of Samsung news that just keeps appearing every day.

Fortunately, it’s almost over, and we’ve got some high-res renders of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Watch Active and Samsung Galaxy Buds for your delectation.

Samsung Galaxy Watch Active

The Galaxy Watch Active will feature a 1.3-inch display and powered by the same dual-core Exynos 9110 SoC as the Galaxy Watch from last year. We’re expecting 4GB of onboard memory for music and data storage, NFC, and a heart rate monitor as well. Rumours suggest the Watch Active will have a slightly smaller battery than last year, but a more efficient operating system (Tizen 4) to offset the loss, delivering the same kind of performance and longevity.

Samsung Galaxy Buds

With 8GB of internal storage, Samsung’s Galaxy Buds are designed to be taken out without your phone so you can enjoy your music on the go without bouncing around. We’re expecting Galaxy Buds to feature Bluetooth 5.0, but with a tiny battery (just 58mAh) they might not last especially long. Fortunately the charging case is 252mAh so you’ll get a few charges out before needing to reach for the charger.

Samsung’s Galaxy Watch Active and Galaxy Buds are expected to launch this week at Unpacked in San Francisco.

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Does anyone really want to be stuck with Bixby?


I have a feeling I’m going to get both…