As another month ticks over Google is right on track to send out both the August Android Security patch as well as device specific patches for Pixel devices going back all the way to the original Pixel and Pixel XL phones.

The patch notes don’t include any major changes in the August 2019 patch just the normal updates and mitigations of known minor issues: in short there’s no big new here. At times it could be easy to dismiss the importance of Google’s month patch program, without a major bug to talk about it can appear boring and mundane.

However the every existence of a monthly bug squashing program is what keeps little bigs from turning into big exploits more often. So while we all roll over in our winter beds and mash on the update button let’s remember how crucial monthly updates are to the over all security of the platform.

If you’ve got Pixel phone you’ll be getting the update soon, if you’re on an in-date Android One device you too should see updates soon: as for the rest of us I wouldn’t be holding my breath.

Source: Google.