NBN Premium plans have always had a price tag to match, and this is something NBN Co has been working to address, to get faster broadband speeds into people’s homes without costing quite so much money.

The new NBN 100 / 20 plans are NBN Co’s answer, and while they deliver the same lightning fast download speeds of traditional NBN Premium plans, they come with a reduced upload rate (50% less, in fact) and a bit of a saving to go along with.

However, 20 Mbps uploads are not to be laughed off – they’re still pretty damned quick, and for the majority of NBN users, they’re going to be more than sufficient. Unless you’re uploading high resolution photos and videos regularly, you probably won’t need 40 Mbps speeds – 20 Mbps will do the job even if you do share photos and videos on occasion.

Aussie Broadband and Superloop were the first two major providers to jump into 100 / 20 Mbps plans, offering them almost as soon as NBN Co made them available wholesale. In each case, they’re about $10 a month cheaper, though this can vary a bit.

Aussie Broadband’s unlimited NBN 100 / 20 plan sells for $89 per month, while its NBN 100 / 40 plan goes for $99 per month. Superloop’s unlimited NBN 100 / 20 plan is priced at $89.95 per month, while its NBN 100 / 40 plan is billed at $99 per month.

Another way of looking at it is doubling your download speed for just $10 per month. Aussie Broadband and Superloop both sell unlimited data NBN 50 plans for about $79 per month.

Here are Aussie Broadband and Superloop’s NBN 100 / 20 plans compared to their NBN 100 / 40 plans:

These plans are free from setup fees and contracts, which means you’re always able to leave whenever you want.

And here’s how Aussie Broadband and Superloop’s NBN 100 / 20 plans compare to typical NBN 100 / 40 plans from other providers:

Both Superloop and Aussie Broadband are amongst the fastest providers of Premium speed plans, with typical evening speeds of 90 Mbps and 86 Mbps respectively (and, in my experience at least, they regularly exceed these).

While they’re not the cheapest options on the list, the NBN 100 / 20 discount brings Aussie Broadband and Superloop’s premium plans in line with what you’d get from a more affordable provider with slower evening speeds.

But if you want to save a little extra cash and don’t need unlimited data, Aussie Broadband and Superloop both have cheaper NBN 100 / 20 plans with only 500GB:

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Most FTTN consumers will never be able to get this speed. For example, me. The maximum download I will ever be able to get is 53Mbps. And since it is above the 26Mbps performance threshold of NBNCo, I will never be upgraded to FTTC either. But I suppose I can’t complain too much. Before NBN, I was on ADSL1 with a maximum download speed of 800Kbps.


“Premium” and is 50% less upstream bandwidth..

Further ripoff


Happy 100/40 user on Aussie on FTTC. The problem I have with the pricing structure of NBN plans is that 50/20 plans are approx 20% cheaper than 100/40 at 50% reduction in speed. 100/20 at 10% cheaper is not much incentive to downgrade. There is to high a fixed fee portion in NBN plans. Also no room to upgrade on FTTC beyond 100/40 without G.Fast assuming cost is not prohibitive.

Christine Hayden

Far to expensive for copper wire conection that will never reach high download speed.


FTTC yes, FTTN it depends.

I top out at a little over 50mbps