As the world prepares to fight COVID-19 mass media outlets are trying to fight misinformation distributed by either stupid or malicious people. It is an unfortunately fact of our internet that every voice can appear to have the same authority and legitimacy, this clearly isn’t the fact.

To combat this to some degree telegram has launched a new verification program for active official channels, bots or public groups. To quality Telegram says that verification is only available for big and active official channels and bots, Telegram will not be verify individuals.

Telegram has also created a new Coronavirus Info page that will rank at the top of all related searches on the platform. This page is intended to provide high quality links to reputable sources of information rather than the opinion echo chambers so many seem to rely on.

During these times it’s everyone responsibility to be sure that the “information” you’re sharing is correct, don’t get tricked into sharing false information. There is a lot of fear, mis-information and outright dangerous information circulating around at the moment, just like the COVID-19 virus itself, we need to flatten that mis-information curve.

This initiate from Telegram won’t fix everything, but it’s great to see platforms like Telegram misdoing what he can to battle this misinformed and/or outright malicious inhabitants of the web.