For those who like to get things done, and perhaps get them done in a timeframe merging your todo list with your calendar is a very handy feature. Traditional productivity software like Outlook have offered this sort of functionality for years, but it’s been missing on Google’s services on mobile.

Google has announced today that they are finally bringing the same Google Tasks integration that has been available on Gmail for the web to both Android and iOS. The feature works much as you’d expect, then you go to add a new item to your calendar you can now select tasks as a type, this will merge that record with your Google Tasks list and display it on your calendar.

The same is true in reverse, if you set a task with a due date and time from the Google Tasks app it will now show up in your Google Calendar as well. The new feature is rolling out now and will reach all users within two weeks. We have tested several devices and accounts and it seems to be widely available.

Google Calendar
Google Calendar
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free
Google Tasks
Google Tasks
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free
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Tasks needs to be able to be set as the reminder handler for Google Assistant. Trying to manage reminders in Assistant is an absolute pain, so it’d be a welcome change