Telegram is our messaging weapon of choice at Ausdroid and with good reason, it’s fast, cross-platform, flexible and reliable. The fact it’s free is certainly a bonus though. If the code change spotted by developer, Alessandro Paluzzi is anything to go by that mantra is soon to disappear

We’ve already seen suggestions that a premium option is coming, but now there’s even more evidence. Instead of free forever, the tag line on installation says “free unlimited cloud storage for chats and media”.

Given the meteoric rise in popularity of the platform, if even 25 per cent of its users moved to premium that would be a tidy income. So it seems, Telegram will move to a premium service offering, but exactly when we don’t know yet.

The question now, is would you pay for premium, continue to access a free tier or look for another messaging option?

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they need to copy whatsapp business model