The Integrate conference has wrapped up in Sydney, and there’s so much to see and do at these shows. From security products, to asset management, sound and communication. EPOS is one of the many brands in attendance and we spoke to David Sorrell, EPOS ANZ Sales Director, about the product line now; and into the future.

It wasn’t long into our discussion that I keyed onto the fact that David is extremely passionate about the quality of products that his team provides to consumers whether that’s the comfort factor, product longevity or even battery life and lifecycle of the battery.

With a broad range of products on display, it was clear that EPOS are well positioned to cater for the work from home, hybrid office employee, as well as the more corporate needs within an office space. Call-based headphones that are purely USB connection-based, through to the top of the line, Impact 1000 wireless headset, were all on show.

The standout — obviously — device was that aforementioned Impact 1000 — a review unit was provided on the day — with a number of features making it perfect for home office or shared corporate spaces. Several features piqued my interest but the main one was the triple wireless connection meaning you can connect to a phone, PC and tablet for continued connectivity throughout the day.

For those who share work spaces, the wireless charging dock makes perfect sense to enable users to have their own headset, but sync to any desktop, purely by docking it on the charger. Having used a number of EPOS headsets in the last 18 months or so, I can confirm that they always offer plenty of adjustment for users, making them very comfy.

The other area that we’ve had feedback on from a number of readers is the concerns around the battery life serviceability on devices like headsets. This was something that David was very quick to respond to noting that the EPOS range has outstanding longevity. Most components of the headsets are replaceable, including batteries if choose to have one in service that long. He specifically noted that the battery serviceability would be 3 – 5 years for normal use and that anything less than 3 years would be unlikely.

He went on to note that there are some models still in service (with components replaced) nearly 15 years after release. That’s huge for businesses and consumers, knowing that the device they’re investing in will last them for quite a time to come.

EPOS now and into the uncertain future

I’ve always enjoyed attending shows like Integrate, you get to see some really cool gadgets; concepts and prototypes that aren’t normally available. I saw some old friends who I’ve not seen in years and had the opportunity to spend a good chunk of time with David talking not just about products (which he was very happy to do) but about the pathway forward; which he was quite open about.

One question I enjoy throwing at industry experts is about the future and where they see their specific brand and industry segment in 5 – 10 years’ time. Unsurprisingly, the answer involved AI and the rapid development of that sector. We also spoke about skills and the potential for skill shortages — including a brief joke about social media not being social skills — through the societal changes creating a “now” attitude; ignoring the longer-term need and ramifications of not putting in the early “hard yards”.

I was impressed by the attitude that David had around the changes in the workforce, how it has forced EPOS to adapt (pun not intended…) to the changing needs and shifting technology of the hybrid workforce.

What really impressed me in our discussion was just how passionate David is about the quality of EPOS products. More than once, he reiterated, “If it doesn’t meet our quality standards, we just won’t release the product”.

Disclosure: EPOS funded flights for Phil to attend the Integrate Expo in Sydney

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Phil, what I’m seeing with these EPOS cameras is they are failing in lighting integration in their webcam offerings. There’s plenty of good high res, clear sounding mics, external webcans for WFH and in office, but damned near no-one seems to be thinking of integrating LED lighting into the webcams. When you’re not using a selfie cam on a phone or tablet for video conferencing, good lighting of you matters, a lot. It frustrates me that manufacturers don’t seem to notice or think of that. Good cameras, linked to good headsets with good mics, and then it’s up to the… Read more »