man sitting beside white wooden table

The modern workforce is more mobile than ever before. Employees expect the flexibility to work from anywhere using their mobile devices. For companies, embracing enterprise mobility management (EMM) is key to enabling productivity. EMM refers to the software and tools used to secure, monitor, manage, and support mobile devices across an organization.

With an effective EMM strategy, companies can empower employees to get work done efficiently regardless of device or location. This allows for a more agile, responsive workforce. However, simply handing out mobile devices does not maximize productivity on its own. Organizations need to leverage EMM smartly to drive mobile success.

Here are 12 tips to maximize the productivity benefits of enterprise mobility management:

Set Clear Usage Policies

The foundation for any mobility initiative is a detailed usage policy. This policy should outline the appropriate use of mobile devices for work, security protocols, which apps are approved, and compliance expectations. For example, usage policies may cover topics like:

  • Proper handling of company data
  • Restrictions on installing unapproved apps
  • Rules regarding jailbreaking/rooting devices
  • Compliance with on-device security tools

These policies provide guardrails for mobile usage. They let employees know how devices should and should not be used. Enforcing clear policies via EMM helps focus mobile technology use on productive outcomes.

Enforce And Monitor Mobile Policies

Creating usage policies is only the first step. Organizations must also enforce policies through their EMM platform. For instance, an EMM can check devices for prohibited apps or unauthorized system configuration changes. If a violation is found, automatic remediation can bring the device back into compliance.

Ongoing monitoring and policy enforcement ensures employees adhere to mobile usage guidelines. It also provides visibility into how mobile technology is being leveraged across the workforce. Tracking analytics through the EMM helps spot problems or opportunities for improvement.

Containerize Work Apps And Content

One technique that improves mobile productivity is containerization. This separates work apps and content into an encrypted container, distinct from personal content on the device. Containerization gives employees access to corporate resources on mobile, without commingling work and personal.

The EMM allows for enforcing stricter security policies on the work container. This includes remote wipe capability, blocking copy/paste between containers, mandatory passcode, etc. Containerization limits distractions since work apps are access-controlled. It also protects company data, even if the device is compromised.

Deploy Productivity Applications

A major advantage of EMM is the ability to deploy or update apps remotely. Leverage this to push productivity apps to user devices, such as Office suites, cloud storage, CRM, and collaboration tools. Deploy apps that make users more efficient on mobile.

The EMM app catalogue should make it easy for employees to install approved apps on demand. This empowers people to access apps tailored to their workflow. Managing apps via EMM also eases licensing, distribution, updates, and version control.

Configure Application Permissions

Not all apps are created equal. EMM allows configuring permissions so apps only have access to necessary resources. For example, apps like cameras, microphones, or contact lists can be restricted. This prevents untrusted apps from accessing sensitive system components.

Tailoring app permissions improves security posture. It also prevents unwanted distractions by limiting app capabilities to just what’s needed for the work task. Configuring app permissions should be part of your organization’s application management process.

Enable Remote Lock And Wipe

A lost or stolen mobile device is a nightmare scenario for security teams. EMM can remotely lock or wipe managed devices in the event they are compromised. This renders data inaccessible in case the device falls into the wrong hands.

The ability to remotely wipe work content provides peace of mind. If an employee misplaces their device, the help desk can initiate an instant, over-the-air wipe. This removes sensitive corporate information without wiping personal data. Remote wipe allows a much quicker response than if devices lacked EMM.

Automatically Enrol Devices

Traditionally, onboarding mobile devices required manual configuration by IT. Modern EMM platforms can automatically enrol and configure devices out of the box.
Through partnerships with device makers, automatic enrolment integrates with Apple DEP, Samsung KNOX, and Android Zero-touch. This enables phones and tablets to enrol themselves into management as soon as they are powered on.

Automated enrolment minimizes IT workload. It also makes the rollout of new mobile hardware nearly seamless. Users can be up and running quickly without manual intervention.

Utilize Role-Based Access Controls

Not every employee needs access to the same apps and content on mobile. EMM allows the implementation of role-based access controls. This puts data and apps into logical groups mapped to user roles. Access is then restricted only to what a user’s role requires.

For example, design engineers may get access to CAD tools, while HR staff get HRIS apps. Role-based controls limit access to only necessary resources so users stay focused. It also enhances security since users can only reach authorized content.

Segment Devices Into Usage Profiles

Another useful EMM technique is to define device profiles that align with usage patterns. For example, kiosk devices meant for just one app can be limited via a kiosk profile. Shared devices like conference room tablets might get a conference room profile.
Profiles allow customizing security policies, wireless settings, available apps, and permissions based on the intended use case. This prevents mobile resources from being used for unintended purposes. It also enhances the user experience on devices with specialized use cases.

Support BYOD And Corporate-Owned Devices

Today’s mobile environments include a mix of employee-owned and corporate-issued devices. EMM allows managing both ownership models from the same platform. BYOD devices can be subjected to baseline security policies, while corporate devices get more restrictive oversight.

Having a unified EMM strategy across BYOD and company-owned devices reduces overhead. It also enables flexibility in what resources employees can access from their personal devices. Supporting both models expands mobile productivity.

Provide Mobile Training And Support

Even with robust EMM capabilities, human adoption factors still matter. Employees may not take full advantage of mobile productivity tools if they lack training. Clearly communicate usage policies and availability of apps during onboarding.

Provide self-help guides, tip sheets, and video tutorials to drive adoption. Make sure help desk teams are well-versed in troubleshooting mobile issues. Proactive training and support smooth the path for workplace mobility.

Analyse EMM Analytics

Lastly, don’t deploy EMM tools only to set and forget them. Modern platforms provide rich usage analytics. Review metrics on device enrolments, app deployments, compliance failures, help desk trends, and more.

These insights highlight successes and pain points in your mobile strategy. Use learnings to refine policies, adopt new apps, or improve user communication. Getting value from analytics ensures your EMM investment continues paying dividends.

Wrapping Up

Enterprise mobility management empowers your workforce through anywhere access. However, achieving productivity via mobility requires much more than just handing out smartphones. Organizations need to leverage EMM strategically, combining technologies with human adoption techniques.

Following these tips will help maximize the return from mobility investments. Employees stay productive on the move, while companies keep data secure. Building a thoughtful mobility strategy powered by EMM sets your organization on the path to mobile success.