white and black dice on green table

The worldwide growth in smart phone usage, coupled with faster broadband speeds, and improving technology, has seen a surge in the popularity of casino games. Perhaps the biggest beneficiary of this new found fame is the classic card game of poker, which continues to entertain fans with its unique blend of excitement and skill.

Previously, the only way to enjoy a game of poker was to visit a casino, but now anyone can access a game online and play wherever, and whenever they choose. Here’s our round up the tips and strategies you need to take your game to the next level.

Learn The Rules

This one may seem a little obvious but it is no less important; in order to play any game properly, you first need to fully understand the rules. Especially if you’re going to be playing with your own money. Many a hand has been lost by a beginner because they failed to read up on the rules.


Hand Rankings

Once you’ve familiarised yourself with the rules, it’s time to check out the different hand rankings in poker. A Royal Flush – Ten, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace all of the same suit – is the best hand there is, followed by a Straight Flush – any five cards of the same suit in sequential order.

  1. Royal Flush
  2. Straight Flush
  3. Four-of-a-Kind
  4. Full House
  5. Flush

Knowing the value of the cards in your hand will allow you to make more informed decisions. Novice players have been known to fold potentially winning hands because they failed to fully understand just how good their hand was.


Playing poker is the best way to gain experience and better understand the different hands and how the betting works. Plus, the more you play, the better you will get at in game decision making and reading the table.

The easiest way to do this is by playing poker games online. Online casinos offer a variety of poker games, including Texas Hold’em, Omaha, Seven-card Stud, and more. There are no queues to worry about and plenty of tables for players of all skill levels. Many online casinos also offer promotions and bonuses that allow you to learn the ropes for free.

Study the Game

Playing games can teach you a lot, such as knowing when to call, raise or fold, as well as help you understand pot odds and other key skills. It’s also a good idea to take notes from your own games and analyse how the hand played out and individual players reacted.

Luckily, with poker being so popular, there are plenty of resources available to help improve your playing skills. Whether it’s online tutorials, films, books, or simply watching how the professionals do it, there’s no shortage of information out there.

Study your Opponents

While it is easy for novices to become fixated on your own hand when playing poker, a professional player will also have one eye on their opponents. They will be assessing if the other players around the table are aggressive or cautious. Do they bluff a lot, do they have a tell which gives them away?

These important skills are an important part of any professional poker players armoury. Understanding their opponents gives them more information and allows them to make more informed, and therefore better decisions.


A common mistake made by beginners is a failure to control their emotions. This can allow their opponents an insight into the quality of their hand. This could be simple body language give aways such as an unconscious tick, change in demeanour, or altered betting patterns. Whatever it is, good players will notice it and take advantage.

So, if you are dealt a brilliant hand, do not punch the air and go all in, similarly, if you have nothing, don’t immediately fold and pull a face. The key is to maintain the same demeanour throughout and not give your fellow players any clues as to what is in your hand.

Budget Control

Before you sit down at a poker table to play, make sure you set aside a budget to play with and stick to it. If you’re on a losing streak then lower your stakes or take a break, but do not spend more than you can afford to lose. Poor bankroll management can often see players chasing losses and making irrational decisions, so make sure you stick to your limits.


Take a Break

Poker requires your full concentration and many novices will get easily distracted or fail to realise they are getting tired. Be sure to factor breaks into your playing routine to allow yourself time to rest and refocus.


Not only is poker an exciting game that offers the chance to win some money, it’s also a lot of fun to play. By improving your poker skills you will not only increase your chances of winning, but also develop important life skills, such as strategic thinking, emotional control, and budget management.




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