No that’s not a typo, but it also shouldn’t be a surprise. The Nest Mini is starting to infiltrate the market and thus the Google Home branded speakers are being cleared. The Google Home Mini twin pack is currently up for grabs through Officeworks for just $58.00

That’s a bargain price for a really good bit of kit for a variety of uses. If you’re looking to dip your toes into the world of connected home, buy a gift for friends or family or just add to your existing set then take a closer look.

With summer coming up, power bills are sure to be on the rise. A simple suggestion on building your connected home is to save some power by installing a Sensibo Sky to only run your Aircon when you need to — something that can easily controlled with a Google Home Mini.

If you’re on Telstra, you can connect your Telstra account to Assistant for voice activated phone calls.

Whatever your driver, this is a great price that’s too good to pass over. So head to your local Officeworks or check it out online.

Source: Officeworks.
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I’m not seeing them come up as in stock anywhere, or even available to order online… But the singles are the same$58 and in stock everywhere! It’s like the twin pack was an error and they corrected it ๐Ÿค”

Scott Plowman

seems that way. as you were peeps


Says out of stock at every click and collect location I could try!

Brian King

Can these be set up as a stereo pair? Ty๐Ÿ˜

Duncan Jaffrey

Yes they can!!

Brian King
