We know there’s a lot of Pebble fans out there, and with multi-OS support, it’s got a lot going for it. Pebble has begun rolling out an update to their app which has been completely revamped and includes full app notification support, as well as multi-language notification support.

Pebble has updated their app to Version 2.1.0, which includes a complete revamp, which VP of Software Engineering, Kean Wong says is the ‘culmination of months of work by our fantastic Android team’ and focuses on ‘notification improvements, increasing stability and performance, and providing a solid platform for the long roadmap of great new features we have planned’.

Notification support is one of the big improvements that Pebble is pushing here, with full character support for Pebble’s running Firmware v2.8. This includes support for new languages, as well as special characters such as ‘ß’ and ‘Ż’. To test out this new functionality, you can send yourself a message containing the text: ‘ÑÔ møŕě bòxĕš fōř ėïġĥťý ŀæńģūåĝęş!’ and your Pebble running the new firmware will accurately display it.

The updated Android app also includes Full notification support – from ANY app. Pebble has previously been limited in which apps it will push notifications to your watch from, with users having to install third-party clients to bridge the gap. No More. It is limited to Android devices running Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean) or above, but Pebble is hoping a future update will allow users on 4.0+ to achieve the same results. Access to the notifications can be accessed through the new Notifications » All Apps menu. From there, you can Select All, Select None, or toggle apps individually.


The app has been delivered to Google Play, but will be a phased rollout, starting with 10% of Pebblers who visit the Google Play Store. Pebble users who miss out, will then be prompted to update over the next couple of weeks. If that’s too long to wait, why not join the Pebble Beta Channel for early access to test releases of app.

Source: Pebble.
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David Griffiths

Hmmm, I don’t see the update in Google Play Store!

Avon Perera

“The app has been delivered to Google Play, but will be a phased rollout, starting with 10% of Pebblers who visit the Google Play Store. Pebble users who miss out, will then be prompted to update over the next couple of weeks. If that’s too long to wait, why not join the Pebble Beta Channel for early access to test releases of app.”

I missed out too 🙁

David Griffiths

I ran the Pebble app on my phone and it updated the firmware. I’ll wait for the Android app, no biggie.



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