We looked at ExoDrive, the phone case which adds a microSD card to your phone last week and it seemed like a good idea. The project has been fully funded on IndieGoGo and as such, they’ve started looking at ways to expand, and one of those is to listen to some feedback and add some features.

The stretch goal, which has been added – and you can now select this as a reward if you want – is for a case which fully supports the original goal of adding microSD expansion, but also adds support for wireless Qi charging & a 2600mah extended battery all in the one case.

ExoDrive - Battery

The ExoDrive team are using the external battery from a Galaxy S4, their reasoning behind it is that it’s cheap(ish), they’re fairly high quality and with Samsung’s reach, you can literally find them just about anywhere. The additional benefit, is that at 2600mAh in capacity, in most cases it’s either almost, or is doubling the existing life of the battery in your phone. The battery is removeable so you can grab a couple and swap them out as needed, which is why availability is a key factor.

The reward level for the new case design is $89, if you’ve previously backed ExoDrive you can login to your account and simply upgrade, this doesn’t add an additional charge, it simply updates your existing pledge.

If you haven’t checked out ExoDrive as yet, head over to their Kickstarter page and check it out.

As usual with all projects of this type, we are here to inform not advocate backing the project. All projects on Kickstarter have no guarantee that they’ll end up being produced even if their goal is reached, so please ensure you are aware of all the terms and conditions before you back a project.

Source: Kickstarter.