InCharge Bolt
If you’ve ever been out and about and wanted to quickly top up your phone with a charge, or connect your phone to a computer but haven’t had your charger cable handy, then a new project on Kickstarter may be what you’re looking for. The InCharge Bolt has launched a new campaign to attract backers – and in a twist, it’s already fully funded.

The InCharge Bolt is the second generation of the InCharge, with this new version aimed at allowing you to charge your phone faster — while the Kickstarter project refers to “1mA” charging, I think we can be fairly sure they’re referring to 1A charging, instead of the (old) standard of 500mA. Just like the previous version, the InCharge Bolt is small, cheap and conveniently hangs off your keyring so you will most likely have it with you at all times.

The Bolt is also faster to charge your phone when connected than the previous version. The Team behind InCharge say that the Bolt will charge your device twice as fast as a standard cable. The InCharge Bolt is tiny, measuring just 40mm in length when doubled over and is just 7mm thick when the plastic ends are snapped together with the magnets internally.
InCharge Bolt - Dimensions

There’s been some improvments on the original version as well, with stronger magnets and better waterproofing. Best of all, you can have one delivered to you for a shade under AUD$16.

If the InCharge Bolt looks like something you could use, the team intend to start shipping them out in July and from previous experience ordering the original, I actually believe them. If the InCharge Bolt could be your next Kickstarter project you back, check out the page on Kickstarter now.

As usual with all projects of this type, we are here to inform not advocate backing the project. All projects on Kickstarter have no guarantee that they’ll end up being produced even if their goal is reached, so please ensure you are aware of all the terms and conditions before you back a project.

Source: Kickstarter.
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    He He, not sure they’ll charge anything at 1mA ! Hopefully the guy writing the kickstarter web description isn’t in charge of the charging design 😉