Razer clearly holds high standards of themselves and after a typo on packaging, showed that to customers. The typo is easy enough to miss, so much so I had to really look at it to pick it. So it’s easy to understand how this was missed before printing.

It would have been easy to cover up the mistake. Simply trash affected packaging, but that would be against Razer’s own sustainability commitment. So the next best option was to acknowledge the error and offer buyers an apology by way of credit.

If you’ve purchased one of the devices (and not yet ditched the box) you can apply for the discount code here. This isn’t a requirement for Razer to offer the discount, they’ve done it to show how high their own standards are. The bonus is that it may result in further Razer hardware sales.

Well played Razer, well played indeed.

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    Daniel Narbett

    Heh took me two reads to see the error also!