ChromeOS is still around, plugging away quietly in the background. With continual improvements to the platform and growth of web apps, it’s well placed to become a staple of everyone electronic lives. The team at 9to5Google spotted a new flag (chrome://flags/) that suggests we’re about to see more phone control in ChromeOS.

The feature labelled Phone Hub shows a few interesting snippets of what may be to come.

  • Phone Hub Notifications
  • Phone Hub Notifications Badge
  • Phone Hub Task Continuation

While notifications and the badge are easy to take at face value, the continuation label is very interesting. This could be the first steps to integrating tasks between ChromeOS and your phone. Offering the ability to continue a task on your Chromebook or Chromebox via Android Apps. Picking up exactly where you left it on your mobile device, a feature that is very popular with iOS and Mac users as it seamlessly transitions between devices.

While the call for ChromeOS is not huge, recently they added a developer toolbox and now the phone hub making it more desirable to a number of cohorts. What would you like to see added to ChromeOS capacity to allow you to use it as a go-to device?

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Stuart Brown

Chrome OS, continues to improve, I have an Acer Chromebook Tab 10, the great thing about Chrome, is that the software gets updated, for much longer, the ChromeTab only cost me $A300, $US210. But it is still a bit beta, so when I did my big multi year upgrade, I bought the iPad mini 5, it runs google apps well, which is most of what I do, with 6.9 billion transistors, 5 trillion operations per second. It’s the second iPad in a row and the third iPad I’ve bought, the second iPad mini, how I loved my nexus 9, a… Read more »

Javier Ruiz-Alonso

Three different settings menus on my Pixelbook: Android, Chrome OS and Chrome browser.

Please Google integrate and simplify…

Your messaging apps also need consolidation…these things happen when firm gets to 100,000 employees!