A few weeks back we got our first look at Todoist Foundations in the public beta. Now we get our first look at the final polished product as it rolls out to users.

Todoist’s blog gives the full marketing spiel but the big changes to take note of are:

  • The new UI
  • Sections (essentially sub or “embedded projects” but far easier to set up, navigate and use
  • The new quick add task function
  • Task view gives you all of the task details in one screen
  • Faster navigation and better sync

So far the experience has been very good and delivered on the promises made of the project. The multi-platform approach of the Todiost team is very welcome and is one of the reasons that Todoist is our team choice of productivity apps.

The roll out has begun, so check your apps to see if you can update Todoist to the new UI and let us know what you think about it in the comments.

Source: Doist Blog.