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Screenshot 2015-09-18 at 6.51.58 AM
Following up their give away of The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill last week, Google Play Music has updated their freebie deal this week to offer NAS Illimatic for free when you head over to Google Play Music.

Illimatic is NAS’ first studio album which debuted at number 12 on the Billboard top 200 chart when it released in 1994. NAS has gone on to release a heap of great albums but this is the one that really kicked off his career with such hits as It Ain’t Hard to Tell and The World is Yours.

The giveaway is of course a side from their Hip Hop focus which has a heap of great albums from top artists, though tellingly Australian hip hop greats the Hilltop Hoods aren’t included (Should fix that Google).

If you’re interested in grabbing NAS Illimatic or any of the other albums head across to Google Play Music now.

Source: Google Play MusicNAS Illimatic.
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    Tony Soprano

    God tier album.


    Arguably one of the best rap albums of the 90s. Definitely grabbing it, even though I already have it. But what’s with all the songs being censored?


    You can get the uncensored version but it’s not free.


    Great album, the fist of their freebee music I’ve actually wanted was of course one I already had.