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Monday, May 20, 2024

Nexus 4 accessories now available from Google Play

If like me you love accessories and you've suffered through the agonizing wait for your Nexus 4 to be shown some accessory love, then your wait is partially over with Google this morning releasing some new accessories for the...

Samsung takes Fonblets to a new level with the Samsung Mega range

BIG... Really big, borderline ridiculously big! The latest in the Samsung announcements has caused quite a stir: a 5.8" and a 6.3" screen. That's adding roughly 11% to the physical dimensions of a Samsung Galaxy Note II which is...

First Ingress book published to the Play Store

Ingress is a pretty rad game - it gets you outside, active and exploring the world around you. It also gives you the chance to meet new people if you're into that kind of thing, and if you play...

Optus ‘uncorks’ new BYO month-to-month plans; offers 4G and freedom with a side of...

Optus have today announced a new set of BYO month-to-month plans for the growing number of people who are buying their phones outright rather than signing up to a 24-month plan. They don't offer exceedingly good value, but they...

Dick Smith has NFC tags, Xperia Z on sale

Spotted in a Dick Smith Electronics catalogue this afternoon by eagle-eyed Ausdroid editor Daniel were these two bargains which we thought were cool enough to share with you. Firstly, the Xperia Z is available on special at Dick Smith now...

LG Optimus G — Review

Is the Optimus G just the Nexus 4 with LTE, or something better? LG has struggled in the last few years with their smartphone attempts, but since the release of the L Series as pre-paid offerings, they've begun to show...

Facebook to announce ‘New Home on Android’ on April 4

Facebook recently sent out invites to their press event that is taking place on April 4, which has set the rumour mill ablaze once more. Initially, folks were going crazy over what was said to be the mythical 'Facebook...

HTC One gets iFixit teardown; receieves lowest possible score for reparability

If you're looking for a phone that you can take apart and put back together, do not buy the HTC One. HTC's latest smartphone has gotten a reputation for its solid construction and beautiful industrial design, but according to...

Nexus 4 gets a design upgrade?

It seems that the hackers favourite friend, the Nexus 4, has recently ducked out for a bit of a nip and tuck.  German site Mobiflip noticed a couple of changes to the Nexus 4 they received that while seemingly minor...

Give your Android device a new look with Roboto Condensed

One of the aesthetic differences HTC have made to Android in their fifth iteration of Sense is the replacement of the regular weight Roboto with Roboto Condensed. I happen to really like the look of the condensed font and...

Motorola RAZR M — Jelly Bean Update — OS Review

From the moment I finished watching the Livestream of the RAZR M launch I knew I wanted to get my hands on this phone. I loved the idea of a smaller, more manageable size phone with a display that...

Galaxy S4 in the news…. again

The Samsung machine is at it again.  Creating more news for all of us to inhale, digest, or ignore depending on your preference.  Overnight several little snippets were released, however none by by Samsung themselves. Qualcomm on the Galaxy S4 camera First cab of...

Gameloft to release Iron Man 3 on the 25th of April

With Iron Man 3 due to hit cinemas in Australia on the 24th of April, Gameloft has announced overnight that they will be offering the official movie tie-in game on the very next day. The game appears to be...

Google Translate goes offline

Google has announced that their popular Google Translate Android app has gone offline. In the past, the Google Translate app has required an internet connection to translate what you wanted, but now you can set the app to download...

Action Launcher Updated

Aussie developer Chris Lacy, has this morning released another update to his hugely popular launcher alternative - Action Launcher. Just as he re-invented the idea of folders with the 'Covers' feature in Action Launcher; this time he's taking on...

Social Networks
