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Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home 2021


Vodafone TV gets a software update to look much more like Google TV

Vodafone TV isn't the newest or greatest Google TV device, but it has to be one of my favourite streaming boxes around - it was cheap to buy, has been updated a number of...

Android fan spends a month with an iPhone: Week 4 – Both have their...

So over the last month, I’ve been using an iPhone. Not because I had to, but at least in part because I wanted to. A lot of comments from friends and the occasional taunt on...

Google is wanting to help you get into “Focus mode” at work with help...

Given the current state of not only Australia but the world, mainly foccused on the Covid-19 situation and employers looking at, where possible, for their employees to work from home or away from the...

Google is upset with Samsung over ‘unnecessary’ changes to Android’s Kernel

Samsung, which is Google’s biggest OEM partner, is naturally also one of the closest partners, but Samsung's latest moves - including modifying the Android kernel - have seen that partnership on some rocky shores. This...

Getting weird Android notifications? Bluetooth may be the culprit

Bluetooth is more important than ever since the demise of the headphone jack and the rise of the smart watch. However, according to an Android Police report, it may be the cause of recent...

The Android share menu is getting some love to speed it up

As tech-junkies one thing that really irks us is consistently poor performance of a piece of hardware, component or software that could or should be better than it is. The native share menu...

Google releases September Android Security Bulletin – updates included in Oreo update for most...

The September Android Security Bulletin has been released, announcing all the issues resolved by Google, based on reports from researchers and internal findings. The list contains, as usual, two levels of patch: 1st of...

Moto 360 launching in China thanks to strategic partnership with Mobvoi

Whilst Android Wear devices have been made available through various parts in the world, this hasn't been the case with China - but it soon could be according to a new partnership with company...

Android Pay arriving on Android M

Android Pay has been announced at Google IO 2015 and it looks like everything we've been waiting for. It builds on NFC and HCE protocols that have been used on Android phones for a...

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