The guys over at Android Central have received a hot tip from one of their inside sources: Samsung are currently in their final stages of testing the international version of the firmware and leaves us with a likely launch shortly after the Samsung Mobile unpacked event in Germany next week. The event is also hotly rumoured to be the release for the Galaxy Note 2.

There’s been a number of video’s already circulating the Internet of Jellybean builds for the Galaxy S III which display the new notifications getup as well as Google Now (which I’m looking forward to having on my SGSIII that’s for sure!). As mentioned in the post Alex has done on Android Central, Samsung do turn around updates quickly…
Let’s hope the carriers do the same this time around!

Source: Android Central.
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    Adrian Lynch

    Already RUnning JB on my Galxy S3 , have been using ot for about a week


    how did u upgraded it .plz tell me.. iam using sgS3 icecream sandwitch…plz email me [email protected]

    John Christian

    I have just spoken with Mobicity and they informed me that ICS was available: both OTA and through Kies. I actioned an update OTA to my surprise ‘ICS Update Available’. Thank-you to @452e0a51fb1a09ae27e71fb02a77b1cd:disqus and Mobicity i won’t feel so pressured to purchase the new iPhone when it is released.


    No prob , just a FYI after the OTA my Note felt laggy as hell. Give it a few shutdowns and restarts it picked back up. I also put Nova on the note and used the slightly faster transition speed and WOW this thing flies.

    John Christian

    thanks @Kevin i have purchased Nova Launcher Premium. I will now familiarize myself with the interface. What do you mean in regards to ‘transition speed’? I am new to launcher apps… Thanks for your feedback!!


    In nova setting there is a look and feel setting , in that is Scroll speed , animation speed. By default it’s set to Nova , but setting it to fast makes it feel like it;s supercharged.

    John Christian

    Thanks again Kevin. I have increased the transition speed and now it runs like a Veyron without noticeably increased battery consumption.
    I am certainly beginning to appreciate my Note a lot more now. Thanks. Cheers. J


    My XSA ( unbranded Australia Region Note ) got ICS Monday OTA. and Telstra released theirs for OTA as well as the others….. John you might want to connect your note to Kies *shudder* or force a OTA check. Personally I’m not hanging out for JB on my S3 , with Nova on the S3 it’s pretty damn smooth. Going from Gingerbread to ICS was a huge change ( on the S2’s and Note ) but ICS to JB seems more like a service pack or tune up.


    Jellybean on s III before ICS on Galaxy Note, baffling. Have Samsung just forgotten about Note owners period – we have invested a lot of money in these products, reaching record profits for the year, although it would seem we have fallen off the radar. Soon we will have Jellybean updates, a new Note, and the a new iPhone whilst Note owners are stuck with 2.3.6 android. So frustrating….!!

    thoms robin

    I heard that Samsung Galaxy Note II Revealed at IFA 2012 with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and new exclusive features


    If they can sort out the in call audio issue (can’t hear other people), that would be great… it might actually be useful as a phone then.


    “Samsung do turn around updates quickly”. Yeah…because I got that JB update for my Galaxy Nexus soooo quickly…

    Phil Tann

    Is your phone carrier locked?


    I got it from Vodafone, but I don’t think it is locked. It is running the yakjudv build and my understanding is that Samsung is responsible for updating that build, and then the carriers have to test it before rolling it out. The Vodafone update blog states they are awaiting an update from the manufacturer.

    Phil Tann

    If it’s got Vodafone software on it, it’s locked!
    The update will need to go through Vodafone testing then it will get pushed out OTA once it’s been approved.


    Are you sure? My Nexus One was bought from Vodafone, was running a build different from the Google build, and was unlocked. I haven’t checked if my Galaxy Nexus is unlocked yet because I haven’t needed to use it on a different carrier yet. And yes the update does need to go through Vodafone first, as will the SGSIII update for anyone that bought their SGSIII from Vodafone. My point is that Vodafone haven’t even received a Galaxy Nexus update from Samsung yet, and if this rumour proves correct it looks like Samsung might send out an SGSIII update to… Read more »

    Phil Tann

    My Nexus one wasn’t locked either, that was (IIRC) pre locking days!

    I understand your frustration – I just get the feeling that they (samsung) are treating the GNex as a developers phone and assuming that people are rooting and romming for themselves rather than waiting for OTA updates.


    Its not that is carrier locked, Alex is right, Samsung are responsible for the yakjudv builds.
    Google updates the yakju and takju builds directly and Samsung updates the non-yakju variants around the world (be it yakjudv, yakju, yakjuux, yakjusc, yakjuzs etc).
    I am not aware of any of these Galaxy Nexus variants receiving jelly bean yet as Samsung hasn’t done their share of the work.
    Daniel discussed it a bit in his chat with Telstra.

    Phil Tann

    You’re absolutely correct with regards to the build, but until the updates are approved, nothing will push out. There’s some pretty complex rules and regulations with regards to radio communications inside Australia.

    Without putting a custom rom or stock one from the Google Dev page, you will need to wait for updates to be approved for use in Aus.