The above shot has been posted on the EVLeaks twitter account over night, now the speculation over the legitimacy of the shots is in question due to a couple of things such as the placement of the clock, the temperature in the notification tray and what appears to be a custom battery indicator. This is the same account that ‘confirmed’ the specs of the LG Nexus 4 almost a week ago as
LG Nexus 4 (E960):

  • Quad-core APQ8064 @1.5GHz
  • 4.7″ Screen @1280×768
  • 2GB RAM
  • 16GB or 8GB Storage
  • 8MP/1.3MP Front/Rear cameras
  • Jelly Bean MR1
  • 2100mAh Battery
  • 9.1mm thick @ 139g

Well we’ve pretty much seen the LG Nexus 4(E960) already thanks to the review on the site which gave us a lot better than the standard shaky cam affair we’ve come to expect from most leaks. There was one more shot they tweeted :

Just remember we’re less than a week out from the actual ‘Playground is Open’ announcement so join us for the actual announcement or speculate away in the comments, are the notification tray changes present here actual changes we can expect to be announced next week?

Source: EVLeaks.
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What does everyone think it will sell for or should sell for?

James Finnigan

I call shenanigans! It looks like it’s running AOKP, and what is up with the giant Nexus logo? Haven’t all the other leaked pictures had the Google logo on back, just like previous Nexuses?


The temperature could be a battery temp widget/app. If it’s in Fahrenheit it would be about right for a battery temperature… The general design of the phone has been pretty consistent across all the leaks we’ve seen so far. So I think we can pretty much assume that it’s going to look pretty much like this. As for the discussion about LGs credibility as an Android manufacturer, I agree. As for the storage gripes, I agree. It does seem to look very similar to the GNex. They will need to price this thing very competitively for it to sell well,… Read more »


Specs looks to be good enough. Being a nexus phone, I don’t see how LG could screw it since they make relatively good hardware though not so great software and since google handles the software side. Storage however has always been a major deterrent for me from Nexus devices~~ I’d still consider if it has 32gb of internal storage but 16gb and 8gb and no micro sd card slot is just too little and that’s before the actual storage and space taken by the firmware and stuff~~ cloud storage is too unreliable since I have to rely on being able… Read more »


Ditto on the remarks about storage. I get that ‘the cloud’ is meant to usher in world peace and solve all of our problems, but just give me a microSD slot!

Craig Harvey

Looks too similar to the Galaxy Nexus for me to believe this is real.


This one might be fake but there’s been plenty of other shots that show that this phone is physically very similar to the Galaxy Nexus. There’s even the shot of it with the back removed so we know that the shape of the real thing is virtually identical to this render.

Craig Harvey

If it does turn out to be real I’ll be a bit disappointed then. Seems a little uninspired – seems like an incremental improvement on the Galaxy Nexus by a different manufacturer. I’d hope they would have some new physical design concept to show us. I have a Galaxy Nexus, it’s a great phone. I just want whoever Google partners with to push the envelope and be creative.


What’s with the clock in the middle in the top pic…looks weird!

Daniel Murphy

Yep, definitely looks like it is a custom launcher. It also changes position between the top and bottom pics.


Not a hope in hell buying this thing with 8 or 16GB of storage and no external storage. Add to that LG which I won’t buy in a phone. Rest of the specs look good but being on optus and the usually pathetic data throughput no chance of everything being in the cloud

Milty C

My thoughts exactly. Might wait till they release a 32 gig version.


They’ve never sold a 32GB Nexus phone here. Or a 32GB GSM Nexus anywhere.

Daniel Murphy

yep, pretty much of the same opinion. maybe if it comes with 32gb i’ll look at it. Nothing wrong really with LG hardware though.