Google’s hardware chief Rick Osterloh recently came out and confirmed they are doing another round of Pixel phones, and as expected, they’re being worked on already. Now their codenames have apparently been confirmed.

The code names come via Android Police who have been given their information from a source they trust. According to Android Police, the larger of the upcoming Pixel phones will be called ‘Muskie’ while the smaller will be ‘walleye’. While walleye has appeared in the Android Open Source Project gerrit, Muskie has not.

Though the code names sound fishy, there’s a good reason for that – Google apparently loves fish code names, as evidenced by the long line of fish inspired codenames for hardware:

The list goes on, Nexus 6 paid tribute to famed Killer Whale from Sea World ‘Shamu’ and the previous Pixel devices were Sailfish (Pixel) and Marlin (Pixel XL).

The assigning of size to the code names for the upcoming phones is based on the size of the fish, with the walleye being smaller of the two.

We’re still around 6 months away from any unveiling of 2017 Pixel hardware if Google sticks to their usual schedule, so we have a lot of time to wait between now and then.

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Darren Ferguson

6 months away? We’ll have it all leaked by then.