Somewhere deep in the bowels (Hah) of an office building somewhere in Australia is a public servant whose well-paid job it is to update the National Public Toilet Map. Whilst this is an admirable and dare I say indispensible service that our government provides, the website is not that friendly when you’re on a Smartphone. Enter WeUni who have released their latest App for Android Busting! Australia.

Busting! Australia has one aim in mind : ‘To find the closest toilet anywhere in Australia, and a route with directions to it, really, really fast’.

We tried it out in Sydney yesterday whilst we were in Darling Harbour and it was initally a little disappointing — whilst within sight of a public toilet it tried to direct us to a public toilet that was not what you would call convenient :

But it did improve after this initial hiccup. Here back in Canberra it has located a toilet in the middle of a nature reserve right near my house and I was surprised to learn that a toilet does actually exist there, so kudos go to the source of the data for having this correct.

The app is Australia only at this stage, but there are other options in the Google Play Store when you want to travel internationally. The Busting! Australia app is currently free but has in-app purchase of Turn-by-turn navigation to your nearest public convenience which will cost you $0.99. There is also a lack of options in the settings menu that I look forward to seeing improved in future versions, perhaps an option to show the closest 2-5 restrooms rather than only the closest?

Available to Android devices running Android 2.1 and upwards it’s a pretty small 2.8MB Download but does require an active data connection to get your location and give you the map. Check it out on the Google Play Store and see what you think, it may just save you one day.

Busting! Demo

[appaware-app pname=’com.weuni.busting’ name=’Busting!’ qrcode=’true’ users=’0′]

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    Greg Eden

    Dunny Directories is better


    Dunny Directories looks horribly clunky really old. So old in fact, it’s gone off the market..