You may or may not have heard, but some of the Ausdroid team are avid users of Twitter, and one of the things we discussed yesterday at our team lunch in Sydney was the state of Twitter apps for Android.

In short, it’s not great.

A couple of us have reverted to using the stock Twitter app, because at least it’s regularly updated and it works. Others are fans of Plume (either in its free or pro incarnation), and let’s face it, Plume isn’t too bad.

Falcon for Twitter made a bit of a splash awhile ago, as a full-featured Twitter client built in a widget form. We tried it, and liked it, and thought to ourselves — it’d be better if it were an app and not a widget.

Falcon Pro (Beta) was precisely this – the functionality of Falcon, but in an app and not a widget. Over the weekend, the app has graduated from beta and is now available on the Play Store. A few of us have used it, and despite a reduced set of features – for now – the app shows some promise. A nice holo-styled theme, smooth buttery interface, and a good user experience.

If you liked Falcon for Twitter in its widget incarnation, you should give the pro version a look. At 0.99c, you haven’t got much to lose, and if development continues as it has so far, some of the missing features that cripple it a bit now – e.g. multiple accounts, notifications, etc – will be soon arriving. You can keep an eye on updates from the developer via his Twitter account @joenrv.

[appaware-app pname=’’ name=’Falcon Pro for Twitter’ qrcode=’true’ users=’0′]

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    Nick Bryant

    I use 3 regularly: Tweetcaster Pro, Plume & UberSocial. My favourite I would have to say is UberSocial once I upgraded to the ad-free version.

    Jason Murray

    I’ve switched to Falcon.

    I like it, though you have to be aware of the bugs and shortcomings. As Tia pointed out, if you need multiple accounts then Falcon’s off the table for now.

    It has a responsive developer who’s happy to listen to users and engage in discussions.

    The Nerd Mama

    Until there’s a client that handles multiple accounts as well as Plume, I won’t be changing 😀

    Andrew Palozzo

    Agree entirely with Buzz… Twitter apps on Android haven’t been that great. Loving Falcon Pro… only qualm is the lack of widget funnily enough.




    Is it really that good? There seems to be a lot of hype around this new Twitter client.

    James Finnigan

    I really like it. It is very pretty, fast, and has quick actions in the notification shade. It’s probably the best Twitter client out now that the other good ones (Boid, Tweet Lanes) have shut down.