Back in September 2013, shortly after Google announced the purchase of Office suite Quick Office, Google made the Quick Office app for iOS and Android Free. As part of the offer, Google offered users who downloaded and installed the app a bonus 10GB of Google Drive storage, well, that storage is about to expire.

The offer quite clearly stated the two year limit on the 10GB, but as of this week, users are beginning to see an email arrive advising their additional storage will expire on the 3rd of October. It’s not immediately clear what it’s for as it’s listing the expiring storage as being from an ‘Unknown Promotion:
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The promotion for some reason isn’t registering that it’s for the Quick Office promotion, however if you go to and hover your cursor over the current storage you’ll get a breakdown of what storage offers you currently have on offer and you’ll see that the Quick Office promo expires on the 3rd of October :
Screen Shot 2015-09-04 at 11.47.05 am

So. What happens to your files? The good news is that they stay there. Google won’t delete them and you can still access them.

The prompt to check this out actually showed how far we’ve come in a couple of years, with an additional 100GB of Google Drive storage costing a fairly minimal $1.99. So, really, there’s nothing to worry about, your files are safe and you can still access them.

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    You claim that this was clearly stated. Funny because I never read about this being temporary, anywhere. This is typical Google anymore, hiding all this crap in their tiny print. Just like when they literally stole $42 out of my playstore account because it “expired”, which also was not stated anywhere. They are pure thieves. If you want storage, I recommend going with Microsofts OneDrive, as they give a lot more free storage that usually does not expire. With Google, you might as well make multiple accounts. Its the only way to get back at them for stealing from us… Read more »


    Man you’ve got a lot of promotional offers. 😛


    I was wondering where that 10GB came from haha


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