Google’s release of Android 6.0 has prompted a number of developers to update their apps with support for the latest features in Android, and Messaging app Telegram has joined in with their latest update.

Around the Ausdroid offices, we use Telegram to keep in touch, discuss Android and generally mess about, Telegram has provided a number of useful tools like Bot support which helps the back-end here. A number of Ausdroid staff have updated their Nexuses to Marshmallow and this morning a prompt for an update has brought a few new features.

The What’s New section of the Google Play entry lists the highlights:

v. 3.2.3
– Android 6.0 support
– Now on Tap
– Direct Share
– Fingerprint support for Passcodes

Now On Tap is a big one for Google, with the feature being pushed all over the place, so support in Telegram is very welcome. Direct Share is a new feature that allows for quicker and more intuitive sharing from within apps, which messaging apps tend to be a hot bed for sharing of links and more. Fingerprint support will be great when we get some devices using the Marshmallow fingerprint API.

If you’re a Telegram user, head over to Google Play and make sure you have the latest version installed.

Developer: Telegram FZ-LLC
Price: Free
Source: Google Play.
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    Seriously, do we really need a passcode for a simple messaging app? I have never seen before. It seems just like upgrade for upgraded. Today Slack also has an update for marshmallow, but no such funny finger print stuff because it’s useless.


    It’s a stretch but I can see a benefit to it; Telegram is billed (in part) as a secure messaging platform, and part of that is allowing users to restrict access to their Telegram app on their devices if they so choose, over and above the standard device-lock restrictions.

    It’s probably something most people won’t use, but it’s nice they’ve included it anyway.

    vijay alapati

    nice addons