google maps
Google Maps is the app that keeps on giving and Google is rolling out an update to the app which adds the ability to add in custom places as well as now showing photos you’ve uploaded in reviews.

The big change in this release is of course the ability to add custom ‘My Places’ to your timeline. Basically adding a custom ‘My Place’ lets you tell Google Maps you were at a mates place or somewhere not normally in Google Maps rather than some random stop in the middle of a suburb for X number of hours.

Updating the custom places is fairly easy, simply go to the navigation menu and enter your timeline. You can then update the entries in your day by either searching for a business or you can go to the overflow menu and select ‘Add a Place’. Once you select that it’s a matter of follow the bouncing ball to add your custom place.

The other update allows you to see photos in reviews that you or another Google Local Guide has added in Google Maps. It’s a simple thing but adds a much needed interactive and personal touch to a list of reviews that were previously simply a wall of text.

Lastly it looks like Google has been listening to all those people who actually talk on the phone while driving — obviously hands-free, because none of us drive while touching the phone right?! The update allows you to specify whether you want Google Maps navigation to interrupt the phone call you’re on with a direction – but rest assured you can still see where you need to turn on your screen.

The update is rolling out now through Google Play, but of course if you really want to you can grab the latest version and side-load it yourself.

Google Maps
Google Maps
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free