We’ve all got that great novel brewing inside of us, and Google Docs can now help. Google has announced that Google Docs, at least on the web, can now export documents as EPub files.

If you’re not familiar, EPub files are generally eBooks, which are obviously going to be read in eBook readers. eBook readers have the advantage of being quite good at consuming longer format documents like novels or that really long document you have to plow through at work.

To export files from Google Docs in EPub format you simply go to the File menu > Download as > EPUB Publication (.epub)


eBook reader software is also a lot more configurable when it comes to themes, viewing etc. so it makes for a comfortable reading experience. Google Play Books supports EPub files, including allowing you to upload up to 1,000 EPub or PDF files of your own to the service, of course other services like Moon Reader also support Google Drive or Dropbox sync as well, so you’re not short on options to read EPub files.

The release is currently only for the desktop version of Google Docs, but we hope this comes to mobile soon too.

Source: Google Apps.