Twitter is making it even easier to share tweets from your timeline with friends in Direct Messages (DM). From today, Twitter is adding a new button to their mobile apps for iOS and Android, allowing them to share a message straight into a DM.

Twitter has always been led by users finding new ways to use the platform, usage of @ replies etc. were born from user interactions. This expansion follows what Twitter says is a significant increase in private messaging using Twitter. Twitter says ‘the number of messages sent grow over 60% in 2015. And the number of Tweets shared privately has grown even faster, at 200% in just the second half of last year’.

To use the new feature, you’ll have to update your app, this will happen today according to Twitter, once you’ve done that, the share using DM button will appear on tweets:

Twitter hopes to add more tools for what they call Private Messaging over time, what comes next should be interesting, but we’ll have to wait and see what that involves.

Source: Twitter.