American novelist James Patterson, known mostly for his exciting detective series starring Alex Cross, has started a new series of shorter format novels called ‘BookShots’. The books are priced at under $5 and have 150 pages or less. Google Play Books is featuring these BookShots and as part of the deal you get one free.
The free book is called ‘The Witnesses’ and the blurb reads:
The family next door has a very dark secret.
The Sanderson family has been forced into hiding after one of them stumbled upon a criminal plot. Or so they think. No one will answer their questions. And the terrifying truth may come too late…
The rest of the series are priced mostly at $2.99 each, though there’s an anomalous $7.99 book listed there as well. There’s also the option to buy ‘Dead Heat’ in 4 parts for 99c each making the option to buy the full version for $2.99 a much more attractive option.
If you’re a novel fan, then head over to Google Play Books, and grab your free book and check out what else is on offer.