You know there’s an upcoming election when politicians begin developing mobile games, alongside the usual mediums including SMS SPAM, and now the Clive Palmer United Australia Party has releasd a game.

Called Clive Palmer: The Humble Meme Merchant, the game is now available to download through either Google Play or the iOS app store for free. The game has been created by Australian developers Emu War Games in partnership with Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party (UAP) to take a friendly jab at mainstream politics.

The game is awash with pro Clive Palmer propoganda, positioning the portly “businessman” as the ‘hero’ of the story which the games blurb says will showcase ‘the corruption and shortcomings of our current leaders’.

The side-scrolling, retro-style adventure ‘game’ sees you collecting Tim Tams which also sees luminaries of the Australian political scene including Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Labor Leader Bill Shorten and Green Leader Richard Di Natale make an appearance.

Creative and Strategic Director of Emu War Games, Tom West, has said that the game was several months in the making.

The idea came after seeing how many millennial voters had been left disenfranchised by the low standard of political leadership in Australia. Mobile was the perfect platform to reach these voters and refocus some of their attention to the political landscape.

If you can stand the narrative, or the content, then the Clive Palmer: The Humble Meme Merchant game is now available to download for free from either the Google Play Store or the App Store (iOS/Apple).

Clive Palmer: The Humble Meme
Clive Palmer: The Humble Meme
Developer: Emu War Games
Price: To be announced

Editor Note: It’s Android, it’s Australian and you’re now aware of it. We can all go back to thinking our private thoughts about the great white bigot.

Source: United Australia Party - Clive Palmer Game press release.
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    For a brief moment I considered installing the app for a laugh… Then remembered this is the guy who found a way to get my mobile number to spam me. I’ll bet his game is primed for data snooping.


    Job well done Clive, you’ve got your name mentioned in the media again by releasing a crap game.

    Trumpism isn’t needed nor wanted in Australia, and my goodness I wish the press would stop giving this cretin a platform.


    The real point of the game is educating people about having too much Tim Tams can lead to obesity


    Editor’s note: “thinking our private thoughts about the great white bigot.” I won’t vote for Clive but come on, I’m sure you can be more impartial than that.

    Daniel Tyson



    It’s literally an editorial note separate from the report of the app…