We’ve seen a lot of coverage over the last few weeks regarding YouTube Music. First, it was about if users would be able to transfer libraries over from GPM, which turned into when? Then we got the nod, only to find out it was for selected markets in the early stages but Aussies are able to move over.

There has been a bit of a worrying questions for some users who are on old, grandfathered plans from Google Play Music… Will my billing go up if I transfer over?

As you can see, this morning many users who’ve made the move got the answer we’ve been waiting for in an email from the YouTube Music Team. No, your billing will not go up and if you’re — like me — a long time GPM user, you’ll continue to get access to YouTube Premium for Ad-free playback there too.

It is confirmation from our announcement post way back at the beginning of May:

Those who already have a GPM subscription will be grandfathered over to YouTube Music and will be placed on an equivalent tier but continue to pay the same cost that they were at GPM. For those who are yet to sign up there is still the ad-supported free tier with the next level being YouTube Music Premium which gives listeners background listening, downloads and an ad-free experience for $11.99 a month.

That is not to be confused with YouTube Premium which will extend that ad-free, background listening and offline playback to all of YouTube — this will set you back $14.99. Family accounts are still supported and will be transferred over as above. Even if only one person from a family transfers their music over at this stage there will still only be the one fee for the family account.

I’ll admit I had some concerns over the potential for a bill increase with the move but also trusted that Google would do the right thing by their users as promised — it appears they are doing just that.

For users who haven’t yet made the move, what barriers are preventing you from getting off Google Play Music?

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Jayson Cameron

I made the move a couple days ago. Really really quick. Not hours like others have mentioned but finished in like 15 mins.
Annoyed though that the range of music isn’t consistent. I had an album I liked on GPM that, variations of the songs in the album are available on YTM but the actual album and recordings from them are not. Sad face.


Made the dumb-arse mistake of giving into the whining at me to move to YTM, yesterday. As a result, my YouTube recommendations are now heavily polluted by what was transferred from GPM to YTM. As well, YTM is polluted from what I’ve watched on YouTube. And Google HAS PERSISTENTLY REFUSED to even think of acknowledging its recommendations system is utterly broken. With the forced nuking of GPM, the problems get worse for ALL users. And on top of that, when GPM goes to die, so does buying ANY music on Google. so even if you manage to find an album… Read more »


YouTube music is garbage. Keep play music!
Everyone stop using Google until they stop ruining everything!


Shame on Google for still not having a decent Music, Wearable, Messaging apps on their platform.

Last edited 4 years ago by oppo

Transferred my very large library across yesterday but won’t use it yet.
YouTube Music is just sub-par.
My Playlists aren’t sorted (songs in a playlist are), it’s missing lots of music that is available on GPM, and the interface is slow and clunky.

Greg Eden

My GPM purchases and uploads transferred over this week. It took a few hours. When I use the YTMusic app (phone, tablet and computer web page) I can go into the library and select Uploads. I can then play my music without ads. It is only when I switch back to YTMusic as the source I get the ads again and offers to set up a monthly account. One issue is that there is no way to purchase music from within YTMusic, you have to go back to GPM for that. Going forward what will happen? They are keen on… Read more »