Since the introduction of RCS, we’ve seen a continual push from Google to improve their Messages app. This has been feature tweaks, improvements and additions. We’re seeing another one that could be landing soon thanks to an APK teardown by the XDA Developers team.

Following on from the tablet focused features including message categories, we’re now seeing Pin to top and starring messages options.

The normal caveats apply to APK teardowns in that, they’re not a guarantee features will appear. That being said, Google is a rather large company that is unlikely to do these things by accident. We’ve seen these features in the past, which were then turned on with a server-side change. Take from that, what you will.

The Pin to top is a feature that’s been present in most messaging apps for some time. Hugely useful if you’re messaging an individual or group on a regular basis.

string name="action_pin_to_top">Pin to top</string>
<string name="action_unpin_from_top">Unpin from top</string>
<string name="pin_limit_message">You can pin up to %1$d conversations</string>
<string name="pin_success_message">Pinned %1$d of %2$d conversations</string>

Where “starring” a conversation isn’t necessarily about instant access to a conversation, but the easier location in a potentially huge stream of messages.

<string name="action_search_starred_messages">Starred</string>
<string name="search_starred_messages_title">Starred</string>
<string name="star_badge_on_click_snackbar_action">Undo</string>
<string name="star_badge_on_click_snackbar_message">Star removed</string>

It feels like Google could be getting ready to integrate so much more into Google Messages. Would you switch to Google Messages as your primary if it became a genuine (non SMS based) competitor in the already crowded market?

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Astin Babbage

Would you switch to Google Messages as your primary if it became a genuine (non SMS based) competitor in the already crowded market?

NO, already using Signal and Telegram, happy with that . I am sure it will be integrated into the dialler eventually ? Like Duo seems to be now on my Samsung Note 9


Never knew that it’s integrated, shall enabled duo today

Sujay Vilash

Hugely useful if you’re massaging an individual” LOL! I would rather message an individual and not massage them. My wife might not be happy with that.

BTW, Phil, a big fan of Ausdroid and you. Just trying to have a laugh during the first day of the latest VIC lockdown. So please do not take offense.