
The mobile carrier space is a minefield for users with trade offs everywhere you turn, data limits, call limits, coverage differences (and black holes in some cases) and of course the question of post paid (contract) vs prepaid services. All of that comes in before you consider going outside the big 3 of Telstra, Vodafone and Optus into the Mobile Network Virtual Operator (MNVO) space, which is where OVO has entered the game.

Another Mobile Virtual Network Operator you say? Isn’t the market already crowded? Well yes, it is, but an MVNO is nothing much without a unique hook, and OVO has one of those.

A relatively new player in the mobile market, OVO are selling themselves as “Prepaid Mobile for the fans” and after a couple of days on the network I can see why. They have made the signup and activation process very simple, in fact so simple I would confidently say that you could suggest to elderly friends/relatives that it would be easy for them to join if they’re looking for a cheap mobile option.

Across the next few weeks I’ll be trialling OVO and as with anything, need to start at the beginning. What initially caught my attention was the “for the fans” particularly with my personal love of the Virgin Australia Supercars series which they are partnered with for exclusive content to their customers, but once I looked into their pricing structure the offering becomes far more attractive. The partnering with Virgin gives away OVO’s underlying infrastructure provider, and if you guessed Optus, you’re right, with OVO using Optus’ 4G network.

Most users will have an idea of their call, sms and data requirement so OVO have made the choice fairly simple with a Small, Medium and Large plan. The phone plans each have unlimited calls, SMS and MMS with options of 2, 8 or 12 gigabytes of data allowance monthly for $24.95, $34.95 and $44.95 respectively which is a very reasonable price in the current market.


The data only plans are just as simple to choose from with 13, 25 and 50 Gigabytes offered for $29.95, $44.95 and $59.95 per month for the allowance.

The signup process

They do their best to make the signup process as simple as possible allowing you to use Facebook, Google or Twitter login or the traditional email and password combination as login credentials, then add a few personal details and you’re signed up. The process from this point is just as simple, they will post you a multi-fit sim card which has a very simple activation process

  1. Go here https://www.ovo.com.au/ovo-activation/
  2. Log in with your chosen method
  3. Enter your SIM number and voila


Over the next few weeks I’ll be taking the Ovo Mobile sim for a spin in a real world scenario to see how it stacks up for coverage and allowance of data.

What would you like to see and hear about on this MNVO operator trial?

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Look forward to hearing how this goes, am looking into Ovo for a data only/hotspot sim. I was originally looking at the new Optus home wireless plans but whirlpool suggests they are speed restricted (5/1 +10 or 12/1 from memory) depending on the tower frequency.

Dan Goodes

The main reason I haven’t switched from Optus to one of the cheaper MNVOs is the roaming deals offered by Optus.

Yes, most of those MNVOs have better offerings domestically, but when I do travel, I like to do it with a minimum of fuss, and Optus gives me that ($X/day for unlimited roaming calls/texts and a data cap).

And I’m currently paying $75/mo between two devices, to get 20GB of pooled data (and unmetered music streaming on both devices).

Dennis Bareis

I use Spintel, $27 for 4 GB data and as far as I’m concerned it may as well be unlimited calls and sms, damb, I just saw that my plan doesn’t exist any more.

Vaya has better plans for example “Unlimited M” (with 2 GB data) for $22/month ($19 for first 3).


Optus and Vodafone has $50 15gb SIM only plans which sounds better, and this sounds purely advertising ?


We don’t do advertising without disclosure. So no, it isn’t an ad.