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Given their far too publicised connection issues over the last 12 months, the last thing Telstra needs was another problem, but a fire at one of Telstra’s exchanges in Sydney is causing just such a problem for many customers nationwide.

Telstra acted quickly to acknowledge the issue and explain the cause which – sure to appease many customers, except perhaps those experiencing issues. Luckily, from the sound of the follow up tweet minutes ago, the fire is extinguished, assessment as to the scale of damage is under way and restoration of service will hopefully be swift.

If you’re on or attempting to contact someone on Telstra, don’t be surprised if you experience call issues or delayed SMS delivery for a while this afternoon.

Keep your eyes on the Telstra Twitter account for follow-up detail, and Aussie Outages if you want to see the reported areas of interest (spoiler: all capital cities are currently red).

How have you been affected by today’s Telstra issues?

Source: Telstra TwitterAussie Outages.
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Anthony Kilburn

Any truth to the rumour that there was no VESDA in the Chatswood data centre? If so that’s pretty abysmal. It’s not like they couldn’t afford it.

Dean Rosolen

Seems that some SMS messages were incorrectly delivered as well going by Telstra’s tweets (I’m assuming that means delivered to the wrong number).

Telstra seems to have resolved the issues now.


I had a medical emergency with my son and was desperately trying to contact my wife and was let down by Telstra.
Thank god I got data working on phone and used Facebook to contact her.


Sadly nothing is completely infallible and it sounds like this was very unfortunate timing for you.

Normally I’d suggest for a little more reliability in the case of a medical emergency to use landline connections to contact those most important to the situation, but unfortunately in the case of today’s Telstra outage it even affected fixed services.

Hope everything goes ok with your child.